Powerful: The Psychological Effects of the Murder of Trayvon Martin on America! #Racism

This morning I woke-up early and disturbed! As a board-certified African-American Psychiatrist I have to share with you the psychological implications of the event that started February 22, 2012 in Sanford, FL.

The Psychological Effects of Trayvon Martin’s Murder

The  Five Psychological Implications Are:

  1. Anger
  2. Primitive Rage
  3. Distrust
  4. Fear
  5. Retaliation

Now take a look at the video that I produced in my office this morning. (James Belk-Executive Producer)
Anger-We as a people are tired of being murdered, mistreated and not counted. This has to stop. Zimmerman I beleiev that it shall stop with you! Anger is an appropriate emotion that can be channeled, in most instances, in the proper way. To see the protests and town halls meetings-that’s ALL good.

Primitive Rage-This happens when the unconscious can no longer contain the ill feelings embedded deep inside. A lot of us have identified, at one point or another with racism. The murder of Trayvon just brings up a lot of ill feelings. Rage has to be controlled. We need to talk and process with each other or we will explode.

Distrust-Who can you trust? The police, the criminal justice system, and certainly not the neighborhood watch team. African-Americans are tired of walking aorund in fear.  It is now time for us to stand-up and be counted. I love how we have mobilized on behalf of Trayvon.

Fear-A lot of people are wondering, just what will we do if justice does NOT prevail. I personally fear this. Zimmerman COme-out, come-out, wherever you are!

Retaliation-There is no current motivation for retaliation, only justice. We will continue to fight for Trayvon. Everybody, to include, the first year law student-know that Zimmerman is GUILTY of Murder. He also used the “N” word so is it also a hate crime?

I have stated enough. I am also feeling a little emotional too. Leave your comments on the blog and don’t forget to sign the petition.

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